First of all, it is necessary to select the electric stacker according to the job function, because in many cases, the basic operating functions of the straddle semi electric stacker can be divided into horizontal handling, stacking and picking, loading and unloading, sorting. So that the electric stacker to the job function can be initially determined from the product line.
Second, it is necessary to select the electric stacker according to the job requirements. It requires the operation of the main tray or cargo specifications, operating channel width, height, climbing and other general requirements, but also need to consider the operating habits and efficiency requirements.
Finally, we have to choose according to the operating environment, that is, different environments for counter balance stackers requirements you are different. So that in many cases, these things we have to know and pay attention to. In the choice of time, we must choose suitable for the surrounding environment and working environment of the electric stacker.
